Folk Radio Music Submissions
If you are an artist who would like to submit tracks to Folk For Folk's Sake, please complete the form on the website contact page.
As nice a it is to receive links and suggestions as to where to listen to tracks, time does not practically allow. A CD will always be heard.
A few guidelines for submissions:-
Please ensure that your track is identifiable, for example, if
you put your disk into your PC, does it list the track details
or is it the track number. Please ensure that the track name
is on. We cannot load your CD or MP3 if it is Track 1 etc.
Does your track have silence at the beginning or end. It is
good practice to ensure the beginning is the beginning and
the end is the end. Tracks with long silences cannot be
downloaded onto the stream.
CD's are always the best format for submission. These can
be forwarded to Susie Gee, c/o The House of Lee,
Park Lane, Halesowen, West Midlands, B63 2RA.
If sending digital formats, please ensure they are MP3 as
opposed to WAV.
We try to ensure that all tracks have a link to where to buy.
It is helpful if this information is easily available when
We will endeavour to play as many tracks as possible, however, time will always be a constraint.
Please remember, Susie Gee and Folk For Folk's Sake receive no income for putting your music out to the world. Folk For Folk's Sake is for you. We bring signed and unsigned artists together from all over the world.
Susie Gee